Broke week

Sunday morning was bright. Waking up and thinking that I have no cash and I have to go to church then visit a friend. Normally it’s usually church then sleep.

My uncle is a great person and he gives us a little weekly allowance when we are home and busy sending out CV to various places. So on Sunday, my two cousins and I were given this week’s allowance in the morning and I think we felt rich.

Hurried out of the house and went to Mamlaka Chapel where they are giving a great sermon series on why the prosperity gospel isn’t Christ like. We get there by bus and that is a little dent to our allowance. The pastor doesn’t disappoint. His sermon was great and you can get it by looking up Mamlaka Chapel. He reads the beatitudes and differentiates between a blessed man and the man Christ says, ‘ woe unto ‘

Two hours end fast and we are headed out to go visit a family friend who recently got a baby. As Africans, we naturally have to buy something for the family and that also is from our allowance. We get there and we are already imagining how the week will be like with the little amount left.

The baby is cute and we can’t regret visiting. One of my cousins leave early ( guys aren’t that into babies) and we are left.. We decide to watch a bit more of big bang theory season 8 and before we know it’s already 5 p.m. we catch a bus back to Nairobi town and we get there fast. Sunday was mothers day and my cousin decide we can walk around stalls and find something for her mum. This turned out to be a very bad idea because we shopped for ourselves and ended up very broke before the week even started.

This has led to new weekly resolutions.. .
a. No going to a place that requires fare
b. No buying airtime or data bundles
c. Carry your phone everywhere so that if someone calls, you don’t miss their call. No credit for calling back
d. No hanging out with friends who are thrifty. No money to spend
e. Next Sunday everyone will go their own way. And will solely avoid the market or clothes stalls.

It’s the broke week. Have a great one everyone and find my blogger sister in Salem and wish her the best week..

Posted from WordPress for Android

14 Replies to “Broke week”

  1. Reblogged this on amusingmyselfmusings and commented:
    I am offically no longer donating ANYTHING to my local Goodwill. I am getting my Kenyan sister’s address. From now on, I know where to send my things! Fuck the price of shipping! I will get it all sent to her!


  2. Sweetie! You posted this just in time! I am in spring cleaning mode! I am also heading out on a long trip to see friends and family in about a month and a half. I am going to make it my personal mission to round up ALL of the clothes, trinkets, necessities and EVERYTHING I can from us overly excessive and lavish Americans, to box up and ship to you, and your friends in Africa. I want to get your address. I am already Googling the best way to ship things to you. I am pretty broke myself…. however, I have a some friends who I can harass here, and I can get them to give me their cast-offs to ship over to you! I also try to find things in the thrift shops here when I am not busy studying for college. So… I think I can round up a TON of awesome things for you and your friends and family to indulge in! I would much rather send it off to you, than to donate it to the local thrift shop. I cannot ever manage to donate enough things for a tax write-off (our government makes it nearly impossible for people in my tax bracket to catch a break), but I would feel EVER so much happier knowing I could send things to a place where they would be used and appreciated!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey.. thank you so much. My friends are already so spoilt on clothes but I know people who aren’t and who would really appreciate every piece of clothing given to them. Every bit. Please send me an email from your address and I will email you back my address. I promise to send you photos when I get them.

      I hope you get a hug from me one of these days and I will introduce you to your other siblings.. ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hooray! My son has been excitedly gathering up all of the things he no longer uses. I am going to cull through my entire house. Trust me, it will be a huge package when it finally arrives! I think I found your email on your gravatar site, so I will write you tomorrow to get your address! Xoxoxoxo

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