What I want this Valentine’s

It’s only three days to Valentine’s and I am wondering how I will spend this day that people celebrate love. You see am from taking a long shower after several minutes of working out. With me is a hot cup of lemon water. True to what you think, I am a good looking woman with a well maintained figure yet I can’t figure out what I am doing wrong to spend this Valentine’s in bed, playing badminton or even worse off, with my parents.  Don’t get  me wrong, they are amazing and may even offer a great meal but still, Valentine’s day isn’t parents day.

I wasn’t this planless last week though. I was expecting to spend the day with a guy I liked but that isn’t going to happen because we started off on the wrong footing. Well, it isn’t my fault I look great and trust me the guy was awesome enough to note it and I felt elated.. who doesn’t want to be told they look great??  On the second date, the guy asked to sleep with me; not really sleep, I mean have sex with me. Judge me if you want but I don’t sleep with every Jack and Tom  especially on a second date. I may have the desire to maintain a relationship but I will not go to that extent. I am one old fashioned person plus I tend to believe that for every individual one sleeps with, a piece of oneself is left behind and you carry a piece of that person. And as you can tell, I love myself way too much to be leaving pieces of me everywhere and I don’t want a piece of anyone with me.

There are a lot of guys in school I could go out with, and a friend even wrote on going beyond society’s expectation on a woman and simply give flowers to a guy and ask them out. This is a big no for me because I want to remain a woman within the definition of a woman by the society.
I want to be spoiled, taken out, to chat at weird hours. I want a guy who will go with me to the badminton court and watch me play no matter how bad I play.
I love thinking of myself as a gem and gems are hard to find. People get hurt when trying to find gems.
I want love that is movie like because I bet am the only romantic heart remaining on earth. I want a guy who I can share with how my day was and one who will not judge me on the ten hours I sleep in a day. One who will notice my mind switched off and simply shut up. A guy who will look forward to sitting with me even when I have my earphones on and reading a novel.
Above all I want a guy who will idolize my mum for bringing up an amazing daughter like me ( mark you  am a messy person, cooks flat food mostly and can’t sew) and give her the privilege of walking me down the aisle before making me pregnant.
Since I know I can’t find this in three days, to get to me on Valentine’s, you will have to wake me up

23 Replies to “What I want this Valentine’s”

  1. You write so well. I see so many “I”s in your wonderful prose, Winnie. That seems like this guy will have to blot “we” or “us” from his dictionary and fulfill all your “I” wishes. If that is so…..then maybe, Winnie dear, I may have to be waking you up, not just for this Vals Day, but on every Valentine’s day for the next 10 Valentines.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I think people want different things for Valentines Day. And maybe I am a little cynical, I can’t quite get past the idea that Valentines Day started out as a pagan celebration called Lupercalia where animals were sacrificed and the hides and skin then used to whip naked women, then the Pope decided to change the day to Valentines Day to honour the two Christian martyrs. Anyway, that’s besides the point, especially since the meaning and importance of this holiday has been changing over the years. I think what you want for Valentines and your lack of being in a relationship has nothing to do with your looks or body shape. Personally, I think those are just superficial things, what matters is what you’ve described as personality of the person, the person who understands you. And the issue about sex, I think people put too much importance into this act, this simple coming together of bodies. Oh, and, like I said before, if you don’t want to be alone, don’t be passive, buy a card, jewellery and even flowers for that someone you like, by doing that you are certain you won’t sleep the whole Valentines Day away.


    1. Haha… Lina, really. I have never even paid attention to the origin of Val. Sex is way complicated than the simple act of two people coming together. Way too complex. And am not buying nobody flowers. Set me an example. There must be someone you like. Are you going to buy them flowers?


  3. People make sex complicated, which is not supposed to be. I don’t think there is anything complex about it. Would you believe it when I tell you that I don’t like anyone? Also to me Valentines, like other holidays like Christmas, is just another day. Plus you know how I feel about flowers. So this Valentines Day, I’ll wake up at seven like I do every Saturday and go through my weekend like I usually do. I will not feel sorry for myself, because, why should I?


    1. Haha… sex is complicated. That is a topic for another day. You don’t like anybody??? Weird kid. You shouldn’t feel sorry for yourself but you should be human enough to acknowledge its vals


      1. Oh dear.. you need therapy. Valentine’s is a day that you share with someone you love mainly boyfriend, husband, wife… it’s a day that love is celebrated


      2. No, I don’t need therapy. I am trying to figure out why people give so much importance to romantic love. I don’t think romantic love is superior to all types of love. Why not spend your Valentine’s Day with your friends or family?


      3. That’s just it. The reason I don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day. We don’t need to have oly one day out of the 365 days to celebrate love. It should be something we do everyday. Whether it’s romantic or otherwise.


  4. The meaning of Valentine’s Day has been misconstrued and all that people think about is sex. Keep up being you and don’t be perturbed by what people say about you. I respect you very much for sticking to your principles. We need more ladies like you in our societies.


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